Last week the Extraordinary Futures conference in Vancouver was a great launch into raising this first round of investment funding! We got our first media spot which came out today on Equity Guru! Stay tuned for our next two interviews on Investing News Network and Our Social Impact! And we'll be pitching in Seattle during Startup Week at FoundersLive on the 24th if anyone wants to come out and see us in action.
Extraordinary Futures conference in Vancouver
Patrolling the conference aisles, we met Commitment L. Israel, the CEO of 3D- Sustainable Developments. This company builds beautiful concrete homes with a printer that is 44 feet in diameter and 25 feet tall. With 2 billion new homes needed, this tiny pre-IPO innovative company could be onto something big.
Commitment Israel and her father, Noah Israel – President and Director, spoke with Equity.Guru’s Guy Bennett about the company’s strategy to solve the global housing crisis with 3D printing technology.